Sivua viimeksi päivitetty: 28.08.2024
At Outokumpu, we value long term supplier partnerships in our quest for win-win synergies. Yet, we never compromise on safety, quality and compliance.

Here you can find information targeted to suppliers including general documents and policies, as well as terms and conditions for purchase of products or services.

For site access requirements and EHS rules, visit the location specific pages.

Find some of our metals and ferroalloys inquiries on the digital marketplace Metalshub.

Requirements on our suppliers

As our customers require a lot from us as a supplier, we place the most stringent requirements on ourselves, and require the same from our suppliers.

Our supply chain activities are guided by our Code of Conduct, Supplier Requirements and our Corporate Responsibility Policy. Outokumpu is also committed to the Modern Slavery Act. We also take into account the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chain. We have also started to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights into our operations and supply chain.

All Outokumpu suppliers will have to commit and comply with following requirements:

  • Supplier Code of Conduct: All suppliers and subcontractors are expected to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct or similar standards. Outokumpu's Supplier Code of Conduct covers the following topics: Safe and healthy workplace, Sustainable future, Human rights and dignity, and Good corporate citizenship.
  • Supplier requirements: Suppliers need to act according to the applicable laws and regulations. Outokumpu Supplier Requirements sets forth the minimum criteria regarding Sustainability and Ethical Standards, Safety, Environmental Considerations, Quality Management, Supply and Production Control, Product Liability, Financial Statement, Intellectual Property Rights, Confidentiality and Security, Audits, and Business Contacts.
  • Quality management system: Suppliers need to maintain a quality management system
  • Outokumpu’s general terms and conditions (see documents below in the download section)
  • Supply and production control: Suppliers need to clearly define, document and share their processes including material traceability

More information about our supply chain sustainability can be found here.


Tornio, Finland
Nyby, Sweden
Avesta, Sweden
Dillenburg, Germany
Krefeld, Germany
Dahlerbrück, Germany

Download documents

Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Sustainability Policy
General Procurement Supplier Requirements
Human Rights Policy
Modern Slavery Statement 2022
General Procurement Supplier Requirements
Invoicing instructions for Outokumpu suppliers
Terms and Conditions for Purchase of Products August 2024
BEBBAU Germany
Fremdfirmenordnung Germany
Outokumpu Kemi_Tornio Service Supplier Instruction_1_2023
TToU 008 Yleiset turvallisuutta koskevat sopimusehdot työsuorituksia ja urakointia ostettaessa_23.5.2024
TToU 008 Liitteet 1-4
TToU 008 General terms and conditions relating to safety_23.5.2024
TToU 008 Annexes 1-4
TO 001 Odottamattoman käynnistymisen estäminen LOTOTO_7.3.2023
TO 001 Preventing of unexpected startup LOTOTO_7.3.2023
TO 002 Putoamiselta suojautuminen 29072024
TO 002 Protection against falling 29072024
TO 003 Suljetut tai ahtaat tilat
TO 003 Closed or confined spaces
TO 009 Tyolupakaytannot_27.7.2021
TO 009 Work permit procedures_27.7.2021
TO 107 Trukkityöskentely_14.11.2019
TO 107 Operating a forklift truck_14.11.2019
TO 113 Hitsaustyöt_31.12.2022
TO 113 Welding work_31.12.2022
TO 114 Leikkaustyokalujen kaytto 06032020
TO 114 The usage of the cutting tools Outokumpu standard 05022019
TO 200 Tulityön valvontasuunnitelma_27.4.2023
TO 200 Outokumpu Manual for Hot Work_27.4.2023
TO 400 Alkoholi ja huumaavat aineet toimintaohje_3.1.2023
TO 400 Alcohol and narcotics guideline_3.1.2023
TO 500 Ajoneuvoilla liikennöinti tehdasalueella
TO 500 Vehicular traffic in the plant area 28.09.2019
YYOSu 001 Jätehuolto Tornion tehtaat_Waste management Tornio site_22.2.2022
YYOTo 001 Jätteiden lajittelu Tornion tehtaat
YYOTo 001 Sorting of waste Tornio plants
YYOSu 004 Urakoitsijoiden ympäristönsuojeluohjeet_ver9
YYOSu 004 Contractors environmental protection guidelines_ver9
YYOSu 007 Ympäristölle vaarallisten kemikaalien ja öljyjen säilytys ja siirto
YYOSu 007 Storage and transfer of chemicals and oils hazardous to the environment
YYOTo 005 Vaaralliset jätteet_Hazardous Waste Tornio_26.4.2022
OS1 2014 Use in the Procurement and Erection of Plants UK
OS10 On site services UK
OS11 Professional Services UK
OS12 Contracts with Transport Service Operators UK
OS2 2014 Goods and Services UK
OS2hwk UK
OS3 Minor Contracts UK
OS5 Demolition Contracts UK
OS7 Hire of Plant with or without an Operator UK
OS8 Sale of Used Goods UK
OS9 Contracts for the Hire of Staff UK
Site Regs UK
WD01 Waste Management for non waste management contractors UK
WD02 Waste Management for waste carriers UK
WD03 Waste Management for waste disposers recyclers UK
TCs for Purchase of Raw Materials

Supplier documents previous versions

Terms and conditions for Purchase of Products Finland
Terms and conditions for Purchase of Products Germany
Terms and conditions for Purchase of Products Netherlands
Terms and conditions for Purchase of Services Finland
Terms and conditions for Purchase of Services Germany
Terms and conditions for Purchase of Services Netherlands