
Business Area Europe, Coil Service Center

Stainless steel’s unique beauty arises from its surface. That is where Outokumpu’s Sachsenheim Coil Service Center truly shines. Sachsenheim specializes in surface treatments of exceptional quality.
Surface treatments are a point of considerable pride at Sachsenheim where steel-working is a long-established tradition. Uniform, consistent surfaces are assured, whether it's the length of a coil or on hundreds of individual pieces. Standard surfaces are available, and customer samples can be precisely matched to meet exacting requirements.

Sachsenheim surface treatments are especially prized in the domestic appliance and catering industries where surfaces must be flawless. Alternatively, Sachsenheim also produces high quality material with no surface treatment.

Sachsenheim is one of the first service centers to measure surface treatment throughout the length of the coil. Conducted without interruption to the production process, the measuring system both evaluates and documents surface treatments, ensuring that they meet precise customer requirements.

Working primarily with austenitic and ferritic stainless steels in Outokumpu’s Classic family ranges of Moda, Core and Supra in coil and strip and sheet, Sachsenheim is committed to nothing less than the very highest quality.

Key capabilities

Manufactured with precision

  • Sophisticated processes track and document surface finishes through the length of a coil on individual pieces to ensure conformance to customer requirements

Commitment to quality

  • With unique expertise and sophisticated equipment, Sachsenheim maintains exceptionally high quality standards

Small dimension specialists

  • Precision shears produce parts to exacting requirements

Sachsenheim downloads

ISO 9001 Sachsenheim EN
ISO 9001 Sachsenheim DE
DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 Certificate
DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 Zertifikat

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